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Our adventure with an Erasmus+ project has begun! We've created a bunch of 20 creative, hard working students, who love fun and learning in an International environment. We started off with an online only presence while waiting for funding, which we finally received in January. Unfortunately, we missed the mobilities in Romania and Italy.
Nuestra aventura con el proyecto de Erasmus+ ha empezado! Hemos creado un grupo de 20 alumnos que son creativos, trabajan mucho y disfrutan el aprendizaje en un entorno internacional. Empezamos a trabajar sólo en linea mientras esperabamos por fondos de la Union Europea, que al final recibimos en enero. Desgraciadamente, perdimos las movilidades en Rumana i Italia.
Wreszcie zaczęła się nasza przygoda z projektem Erasmus+! Stworzyliśmy grupę 20 kreatywnych, ciężko pracujących uczniów, którzy lubią zdobywać wiedzę w międzynarodowym otoczeniu. Najpierw pracowaliśmy tylko w formie online oczekując na fundusze z Unii Europejskiej, które w końcu otrzymaliśmy w styczniu. Niestety, przepadły nam wyjazdy do Rumunii i Włoch.
As our first mobility in Tutzing, Germany is approaching fast, we are getting ready for one of tasks: measures taken by local authorities regarding sustainable development in Gdańsk. Today we visited City Hall in Gdańsk where we had a very interesting meeting with one of councillors responsible for sustainable development. We've learnt a lot about what have been done so far and what are the plans for the future. Lots of sustainable initiatives are happening in our city: green citizens' projects, food banks, off shore, city bikes, new public transport links etc
Como nuestra primera movilidad está acercandóse muy rápido, estamos preparando una de las tareas: las medidas que han tomado nuestras autoridades locales para el desarollo sostenible en Gdańsk. Hoy hemos visitado Ayuntamiento en Gdańsk donde hemos tenido una reunión muy interesante con una de los concejales responsable por un desarollo sostenible. Hemos aprendido sobre lo que han hecho y los planes para el futuro. Hay varias iniciativas en nuestra ciudad: los proyectos verdes de los ciudadanos, los bancos de la comida, off shore, las bicicletas municipales, nuevas lineas de transporte público etc.
Jako że nasz pierwszy wyjazd zbliża się szybkimi krokami, przygotowujemy jedno z zadań: środki, które zostały podjęte przez nasze lokalne władze w celu zrównoważonego rozwoju w Gdańsku. Dziś odwiedziliśmy Urząd Miejski, gdzie wzięliśmy udział w bardzo interesującym spotkaniu z jedną z radnych, która jest odpowiedzialna za zrównoważony rozwój. Dowiedzieliśmy się co zostało dokonane i jakie są plany na przyszłość. Wiele się dzieje w naszym mieście: zielone projekty obywatelskie, banki żywności, off shore, miejskie rowery, nowe linie transportu publicznego.

Trip to Ecofactory in a town Wejherowo
We visited a recently renovated old wood factory, which became a place of an ambitious project: to create a perfect model of sustainable waste management and a centre for sustainable development. We learnt about activities and measures taken by this centre such as a workshop space where residents can come and repair their household appliances, as well as an event held once in a while, where the second hand goods get sold and the income from the sale is used for the charity purposes.

Wow! That was a day! We went by train to a village in the Lake District known as Kaszuby. We took part in the action - Clean River. We cleaned the river Radunia while kayaking and admiring beautiful landscape. Shame people don't care about our nature and throw all sort of stuff in our rivers. We found bottles, beer cans, buckets, even a Christmas ball!

Finally, we set off for our first adventure happening abroad. 6 students and 2 teachers boarded a train in Gdańsk in the morning. After a long but pleasant journey, we arrived in Tutzing, Germany. Hallo!
A relaxing day after the previous day spent on trains. Pupils spent time with their hosting families, teachers visited Tutzing and its surroundings: an Island of Roses, the castle Possenhofen where used to live Empress of Austria Sissi.
Topics covered in Tutzing: Goal 12: responsible consumption and production
The first day at school in Tutzing. We got a warm welcome from our German friends. Pupils played some interactive games in aim to get to know each other: bingo, fruit salad. Later on, pupils joined other German students for Language Tandems where they teach each other some words and phrases in their languages. Meantime teachers held a meeting where they decided dates for next mobilities. Afterwards, students visited different classes where they were talking in English and Spanish about their countries and regions.
We had a yummy lunch prepared by pupils and their parents from Gymnasium Tutzing. In the afternoon German students prepared a range of workshops: shiatsu - hand massage, beewax lunch clothes, tower building - team building, T-shirt up-cycling (new life given to the old T-shirt with a stamp Erasmus+). That was a long and exciting day. New friendships, new place, lots of new knowledge...
Hallo Munich! Today we've had a Munich day. We spent the whole day in the Bavarian capital. We started off with an outdoor game in the Old Town of Munich. Students got some tasks in order to get to know better Munich and its history. Afterwards we visited Residenz, a beautiful palace. In the afternoon students spent time with their hosting students exploring the city and completing a photo challenge (they had to take pictures of fair trade shops etc) while teachers had a lunch in the local market - Viktualienmarkt and evening in a typical Bavarian pub with traditional music, dance, food and drinks.
Our third day began with a discussion panel where we exchanged our ideas about Europe and its sustainable future. We had a special guest - Florian Siekmann, a spokeman for European politics in Bavarian government. Later on we jumped on a coach and went to the nearby picturesque village, Benediktbeuern, where we attended two workshops: Adventure Climate friendly cooking and/or The importance of marshlands for climate. It was very interesting and made us think about our impact on nature and how we can minimalise it.
In the evening students had another attraction: bowling in Andechs.
Today we were supposed to spend all day in mountains. Unfortunately, the weather conditions changed our plans. It was raining heavily the day before and it was too risky to hike down Partnachklamm Valley. We only managed to take a cable car to the top, have a look at the clouds, we could only imagine how wonderful view might be hidden behind them! We had a lunch there, a short walk with more cloudy views. Later on we did a tour of a famous Garmisch ski stadium where we realised how mad some skiers might be by jumping from such heights! It is different when you watch it on TV and when you actually stand on top of the ski jump!
Last day at Tutzing school! There were goodbyes, some tears. Teachers got some free time with their students. We summarized what we had learnt during this mobility with a quizz, we received diplomas, some gifts that would remind us of the amazing time spent in Tutzing. We had our last lunch on school premises: a delicious sustainable food prepared by German students.
Time to say final goodbye to Tutzing! Students thanked and said goodbye to their host families and we set off on a long but pleasant train journey back to Gdańsk. We had some time in Berlin to pop in to McDonalds and have a quick lunch before we boarded the Polish train, which took us all the way to Poznań. Here we had some time to walk and breathe in some fresh air. We reached Gdańsk at 11pm. The journey was long but we didn't mind it, in a good company the time always flies!
We had a meeting after our first mobility: time to reflect on our experiences, to share what we had learnt and first of all time to plan our next mobility! This time we will be the hosting centre, so lots of work ahead of us! Motivated and full of ideas after our first trip, students came up with lots of great ideas and we managed to prepare a set of tasks for students from other centres for them to complete before they come to Gdańsk
Today another school IX LO in Gdańśk hosted an event where teachers from various schools from Tricity talked about their projects. It was a very inspiring meeting where teachers shared their ideas and experiences.
We took part in a workshop at University of Gdańsk in its Sustainable Development Centre. We learnt why Agenda 2030 goals had been created and why it is so important to take measures towards achieving these goals. We also visited the Museum of Amber on the premises of University and took a walk through its Eco Park.
23 - 29.07.23
In July two of our teachers took part in a course in Finland and Estonia. During their visit in Helsinki and Tallinn they had a chance to familiarise with education system in both countries. Tehy visited
kindergarten, primary and secondary school in Helsinki, as well as in Tallinn. They observed the classrooms, school facilities and methods/ techniques that were used to teach students. One day they pretended to be students during 6 hour workshop, which helped them understand better the way students in both countries are taught.
They also had the possibility to observe the natural environment where the students were being taught and the layout of schools and classrooms.

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